Alerts Watchlist Assets

Watchlist objects used to setup your netloc properties for VT Alerts

VT Alerts' Watchlists are the strings, and other assets, that are used to match the event feed against the rules, in order to generate your VT Alerts notification feed.

A watchlist has the following attributes:

  • asset_type: <string> Type of the asset, can be domain, ip range, brand.
  • value: <string> Describe what the asset is monitoring. If asset_type is a domain, then the base domain. If asset_type is ip range, then the CIDR representation. If asset_type is brand, then just a description.
  • asset_info: <dictionary> Only returned when asset_type is brand. This contains all the information required for your brand rules.
    • brand: <dictionary> The info required for the brand monitoring.
      • domains: <list of strings> All the domains that belong to your brand.
      • favicons: <dictionary> Favicon hashes
        • <md5>: <dictionary>
          • dhash: <string> The difference hash of the favicon.
          • raw_md5: <string> The MD5 hash of the favicon.
      • names: <list of strings> All the strings, particular to your brand websites, that you want to monitor in HTML responses.
  • creation_date: <integer:timestamp> The creation date.
  • last_modification_date: <integer:timestamp> The last modification date.
    "meta": {
        "cursor": "<string>"
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "last_modification_date": <int:timestamp>,
                "asset_type": "<string>",
                "asset_info": {
                    "brand": {
                        "domains": [
                        "favicons": {
                            "<string>": {
                                "raw_md5": "<string>",
                                "dhash": "<string>"
                        "names": [
                "value": "<string>",
                "creation_date": <int:timestamp>
            "type": "alerting_asset",
            "id": "<int>",
            "links": {
                "self": "<id>"
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "next": "<cursor>"
    "meta": {
        "cursor": "abcd"
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "last_modification_date": 1621436370,
                "asset_type": "domain",
                "value": "",
                "creation_date": 1620824815
            "type": "alerting_asset",
            "id": "1234",
            "links": {
                "self": ""
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "next": ""
    "meta": {
        "cursor": "abcd"
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "last_modification_date": 1621436370,
                "asset_type": "ip range",
                "value": "",
                "creation_date": 1620824815
            "type": "alerting_asset",
            "id": "1234",
            "links": {
                "self": ""
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "next": ""
    "meta": {
        "cursor": "abcd"
    "data": [
            "attributes": {
                "last_modification_date": 1621436370,
                "asset_type": "brand",
                "asset_info": {
                    "brand": {
                        "domains": [
                        "favicons": {
                            "1bc1faf71106e964e44cb17ab4dd8d11": {
                                "raw_md5": "1bc1faf71106e964e44cb17ab4dd8d11",
                                "dhash": "06c1c2c4c4d2c106"
                        "names": [
                            "VirusTotal Login"
                "value": "Brand Watchlist for",
                "creation_date": 1620824815
            "type": "alerting_asset",
            "id": "1234",
            "links": {
                "self": ""
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "next": ""