Service Accounts
Service Accounts are robot VirusTotal accounts available to any corporate group. You can now create a VirusTotal account and get its API key to use in your automations without needing to spend a corporate email to create a regular account. This is a free feature and you are allowed to create as much Service Accounts as you may need.
As a group administrator, if you navigate to your corporate group page on VirusTotal, you will see now the "Add user" button has changed its label and now opens a dropdown menu that allows you to select which kind of account you would like to add to your corporate group:
If you select the "Service Account" option, you will be requested to add a descriptive name to the service account:
And after you click on the save icon, your brand new Service Account will be ready to be used. You will now see a new section called "Service Accounts" where you can see every active Service Account which belongs to your corporate group:
And of course you can see the API key of the Service Account by clicking on the eye icon (it will not be shown by default for security reasons):
If at any time you feel you have an issue with any Service Account (the key has been leaked or you are not using it anymore), you are allowed to delete it and forget about having surprises on your quota consumption with that Service Account.
Updated 9 months ago