Get a user’s quota summary

This endpoint returns a summary of a user's overall quotas including:

  • allowed: <integer> quota limit.
  • inherited_from: <string> group from which the quota is inherited.
  • used: <integer> how many quota has been used.

Consumption data based on natural month and UTC.

  "data": {
    "api_requests_daily": {
      "group": {
        "allowed": 99000000,
        "inherited_from": "company",
        "used": 45073
      "user": {
        "allowed": 1000000000,
        "used": 17
    "api_requests_hourly": {
      "group": {
        "allowed": 3300000,
        "inherited_from": "company",
        "used": 653
      "user": {
        "allowed": 60000000000,
        "used": 0
    "api_requests_monthly": {
      "group": {
        "allowed": 2000000000,
        "inherited_from": "company",
        "used": 142176
      "user": {
        "allowed": 1000000000,
        "used": 137
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